Conquering Allergies: Effective Treatment Options at Hill Family Medicine

Allergy test.

If you’re struggling with allergies, Hill Family Medicine at our Bee Cave office in Austin, TX, has you covered with comprehensive testing and treatment options. Whether you struggle with regular or seasonal symptoms, our team can help connect you with the right relief options. Choose sustainable allergy symptom control with us today!

Allergy test.

Identifying Your Allergens

Sustainable allergy symptom control starts with understanding what may be causing your symptoms! Our practitioners may recommend blood tests or skin testing to identify the specific allergens triggering your symptoms, allowing for the creation of targeted and effective treatment plans.

Allergy solutions.

Allergy Treatments You Can Expect

When it comes to allergy treatments in Bee Cave, Hill Family Medicine offers several solutions depending on your unique situation. While some allergies can be managed by avoiding the allergen, others may require medications like antihistamines for symptom relief.

However, if symptoms persist even with medication, our clinic may suggest immunotherapy. This treatment involves administering purified allergens over several months to help you build immunity and reduce allergy symptoms in the long run, potentially decreasing your reliance on allergy medications and improving your overall quality of life.

Woman sneezing.

Do You Experience Allergies?

Recognizing common allergy symptoms is key to finding the right allergy relief strategies. If you experience nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy/watery eyes, dark circles under the eyes, rashes, coughing, or wheezing — contact Hill Family Medicine now!

Get Insightful Allergy Treatment Guidance Now

Don’t let allergies hold you back any longer — Hill Family Medicine now offers allergy testing and immunotherapy right at our Bee Cave location. Take the first step towards effective allergy relief and a healthier, symptom-free life by exploring the benefits of immunotherapy with our team!

Get Allergy Relief Now

Shedding Pounds, Gaining Confidence: Your Guide to Medical Weight Loss

Medical weight loss.

Embarking on a journey to achieve a healthier weight is more than just a physical transformation — it’s an investment in yourself on every possible level. Outside of traditional diet and exercise modifications, medical weight loss programs from Hill Family Medicine offer a new opportunity to approach your fitness goals.

Learn more about how this process works and how we can help you on your weight loss journey! Schedule your appointment at our Bee Cave office now.

Medical weight loss.

What is Medical Weight Loss?

Medical weight loss involves personalized and scientifically backed approaches to help individuals achieve their weight loss goals safely and effectively. This specialized, holistic weight loss approach combines various techniques such as lipotropic injections, tailored diet plans, prescription medications, and lifestyle modifications to reset metabolism and promote sustainable weight loss.

Medical weight loss.

What Our Weight Loss Clinic Focuses On

Our medical weight loss programs focus on resetting your metabolism through a combination of lipotropic injections and personalized lifestyle changes. Dr. Matthew, our primary care doctor, creates custom plans for each patient, including weekly monitoring and regular meetings to ensure he or she is experiencing healthy weight loss.

People running.

Benefits of Medical Weight Loss

What sets our personalized weight loss plan apart is its non-surgical and non-invasive approach to weight loss. While we emphasize that commitment and effort are necessary, we assure you that our treatments can make weight loss easier than ever before. By taking the first step with us, you can both improve your health and enhance your appearance.

Healthy food.

Getting Started with Medical Weight Loss

During your initial visit to Hill Family Medicine, you’ll undergo upfront lab work, provide your medical history, discuss your daily habits, and receive an EKG. This comprehensive assessment allows us to design a plan that suits your needs and goals effectively. If you experience high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep Apnea, or other conditions linked to obesity, contact us today!

Shed Pounds & Gain Confidence Now

Whether you want to look and feel better or simply lead a healthier life, our medical weight loss programs are a valuable resource for achieving your desired results. Take control of your well-being and discover the transformative benefits of medical weight loss with Hill Family Medicine!

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Unlocking Hope: Understanding Ketamine Therapy at Hill Family Medicine

Therapy session.

Patients who live with different mental health conditions — including anxiety, depression, or obsessive-compulsive disorder — deserve to have treatment that works for them. At Hill Family Medicine in Austin, TX, we are all about providing unique approaches to help patients live well and better manage their disorders; this is why we offer ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (essentially ketamine therapy) as an option.

Learn more about how our Bee Cave office can help you and schedule an appointment today!

Holding hands.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Before starting ketamine therapy for anxiety or depression, you can expect an in-depth consultation with your therapist to discuss your expectations and goals. Together, you will determine the initial dosage and administration method that best suits your needs. This personalized approach ensures that your therapy journey is tailored to what you’re working toward.

Mental health.

Therapeutic Experiences

Once the medication is administered (sublingually, subcutaneously, or intramuscularly), you will enter a dream-like, altered state of consciousness within minutes. This unique state provides a profound opportunity for therapy, typically lasting between 45 minutes to an hour. Your therapist will guide you through this ketamine treatment experience, offering support and assistance.

Therapy sesson.

Integrative Support

As you transition out of the altered state, you may feel a sense of euphoria and introspection. Our therapists will help you process and integrate the insights gained during the therapy session, empowering you to make tangible changes in your daily life based on your newfound awareness. We are committed to providing ongoing support as you navigate this transformative journey.

Mental health.

Safety First Always

While the effects of ketamine therapy wear off within a few hours, we prioritize your safety and well-being. We recommend arranging for a rideshare or having a companion drive you home after the session, as you may be technically impaired to operate a vehicle. Your safety is our utmost concern as you embark on the path to unlocking hope through Hill Family Medicine.

Explore Ketamine Treatment for Depression & Anxiety 

If you think you could be a candidate for ketamine therapy, speak with our Hill Family Medicine team now! Let us help you discover new ways to navigate your mental health. 

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From Prevention to Treatment: The Complete Care Approach at Hill Family Medicine

Doctor consultation.

At Hill Family Medicine, we believe in providing complete care that encompasses all aspects of your health journey. It’s our mission to go beyond primary care and provide you and your family with personalized recommendations. Ensure your long-term health with our Bee Cave office in Austin, TX, and learn more about how we ensure a comprehensive approach to your well-being:


Preventive Care

Preventing disease and promoting optimal wellness are at the core of Hill Family Medicine. We offer lifestyle modifications, weight loss programs, and overall health plans tailored to your needs. Whether it’s quitting smoking, managing obesity, or screening for diseases, our team is dedicated to helping you make proactive choices for a healthier future.

Doctor office.

Outpatient Care

For minor injuries, routine check-ups, or specialist referrals, our primary care physicians are here to offer efficient and affordable care. You can expect a welcoming environment where you can receive the treatment you need without breaking the bank. Schedule annual flu shots, blood work, and other health-related tests with us now!

Mental health support.

Mental Health Support

Taking care of your mental health is as crucial as caring for your physical well-being. Our approach at Hill Family Medicine includes developing personalized mental health plans that align with your overall health goals. We understand the intricate connection between physical and mental health and work toward holistic treatment solutions, including ketamine therapy.

Doctor consultation.

Comprehensive Support for All Patients

Our team is committed to addressing your needs with empathy, expertise, and a personalized touch that makes a difference in your health journey. Let us assist with more than your weight loss journey and comprehensive allergy treatment; choose our clinic for senior care, telehealth appointments, and more!

Get the Insightful Treatment Your Family Needs in Austin

Experience the difference of a complete, holistic approach to care that supports you in achieving optimal health and wellness. Learn more about the different ways Hill Family Medicine can help your family and contact our Bee Cave office now!

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We Are Members of Privia Medical Group

As of August 9, 2022, we are proud members of Privia Medical Group!